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1sthost Wechat Apps, Email and Firewall Expert


Digital SSL Email Cert
Personal Authentication Certificates (Email Cert)


Former security minister Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee is counting the cost of an online security lapse, revealing yesterday that her bank account was "taken over" and about HK$500,000 transferred out after her email was hacked.

source of the news :

Need to prevent Email spoofing ?

"Email spoofing" is the email with a forged sender address - something which is simple to do because the email protocols have few parts of sender information, a sender name can be any kind of encoded text, design for display for human. Another type of sender info is design for email delivery over internet, which is being handled internally (inside email header, not design to display for human).  Since Email Address, Sender Name, Company Name do not need authentication.  Spoofing Email, Spam Mail or phishing emails typically use such spoofing to mislead the recipient !

Nowadays, a number of measures to address spoofing are available including: SPF, Sender ID, DKIM, S/MIME and Personal Authentication Certificates . Although their use is increasing, it is unlikely that most of the company still do not have such measures in place. Because their email system NOT well support those security, or may be the service providers' engineers are not yet have skill set to handle such security issues.

We are proud to announce, We are going to provide ONE Account Personal Authentication Certificates for one year FREE for our VIP clients.

Personal Authentication Certificates allow you add security to  your emails and help you authenticate and proof yourself with Digital Seal. It is the best way to protect your email  and recipients, It is the only way to give confidence to your email recipients.

Benefits of using Personal Authentication Certificates

- Provide Email Sender integrity apply-now
- Provide Email message integrity
- Authenticated communications
- Keep your emails private or encrypted
- Prove email origination
- Provide digital seal

Existing client apply ONE FREE Personal Authentication Certificates for one year

New client apply Personal Authentication Certificates



Click to apply Email Certificate